BPB, Founded some time ago…

Co-Founder Mike aka Lynx with two ruffed grouse, his favorite thing to pursue in the autumn woods.

Co-Founder Sam aka Snowshoe with a small buck rattled and called in by the BPB during the MN muzzleloader season.

The Black Powder Beagles came about awhile back when my friend Sam and I decided that because we love to hunt with black powder, love to hunt rabbits with beagles, and coincidentally like to hunt rabbits with beagles while using black powder guns, that just for fun we needed  to have a name for ourselves to set us apart from the normal people. So after much thought and discussion and many sleepless nights we realized Black Powder Beagles was the obvious no-brainer. Since then we’ve come to include other activities to our BPB list. We enjoy fishing mini creeks(creeks you can step over) for brook trout, we harvest wild rice, make our own maple syrup, and forage for other wild edibles to mention a few. Also it’s important to us to try and keep such activities and traditions alive, to keep people connected to the natural world, closer to God, away from the couch and TV, etc. so we try to pass on what we know to the next generation and to whom ever wants to learn these skills and activities that are slowly fading into memory.

One way we do this is to host a “Black Powder Shoot” every October here in central MN. Here beginners of all ages can come and try their hand at various activities such as shooting a black powder rifle. And at this event not only do we shoot black powder but also archery, tomahawk throwing, fire building and more. We host our BP Shoot for fun, but also as an educational event. Hands-on, learning by doing. And so, although we do more than hunt rabbits with black powder(BP) and beagles we’ve stuck with the name because we like it! So there you have it.

Lynx contemplating the next move during the MN muzzleloader season.

Snowshoe with his first brown trout of the season.

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